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EOR - Exclusive OR

Exclusive-OR Accumulator with Memory

Table of Contents

EOR performs a bitwise logical Exclusive-OR of the value in the accumulator with that of the memory location with the result stored in the accumulator.

The result will be each bit in the accumulator will be set ONLY if that same bit in the original accumulator value and the memory differ. If the bits were the same then the resultant bit will be 0.

Exclusive OR truth table
Second Operand
First Operand01

For 8-bit processors n has the value of bit 7 and v the value of bit 6 of the memory location.

For 16-bit processors, when m=0, n has the value of bit 15 and v the value of bit 14 of the memory location.

Second it performs a logical AND of the memory and the accumulator. If the result is zero the z flag is set.

In both operations, the contents of the accumulator and memory are not modified.

Flags Affected
nSet if most significant bit of result is set
zSet if result is zero, otherwise clear
SyntaxOpcode Available on: # of # of Addressing Mode
(hex) 6502 65C02 65816 bytes cycles
EOR #const49 x x x 21 22 Immediate
EOR addr4D x x x 3 42 Absolute
EOR long4F x 4 52 Absolute Long
EOR dp45 x x x 2 32, 3 Direct Page
EOR (dp)52 x x 2 52, 3 Direct Page Indirect
EOR [dp]47 x 2 62, 3 Direct Page Indirect Long
EOR addr,X5D x x x 3 42, 4 Absolute Indexed X
EOR long,X5F x 4 52 Absolute Long Indexed X
EOR addr,Y59 x x x 3 42, 4 Absolute Indexed Y
EOR dp,X55 x x x 2 42, 3 Direct Page Indexed X
EOR (dp,X)41 x x x 2 62, 3 Direct Page Indexed Indirect X
EOR (dp),Y51 x x x 2 52, 3, 4 Direct Page Indirect Indexed Y
EOR [dp],Y57 x 2 62, 3 Direct Page Indirect Long Indexed Y
EOR sr,S43 x 2 42 Stack Relative
EOR (sr,S),Y53 x 2 72 Stack Relative Indirect Indexed Y


  1. 65816: Add 1 byte if m=0 (16-bit memory/accumulator)
  2. 65816: Add 1 cycle if m=0 (16-bit memory/accumulator)
  3. 65816: Add 1 cycle if low byte of Direct Page register is not 0
  4. Add 1 cycle if adding index crosses a page boundary