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OS call specified by contents of A and parameter block

Table of Contents

Function AddressVectorDescription
OSWORD FFF120COS call specified by contents of A and parameter block

The OSWORD routines are very similar in concept to the OSBYTE routines. The major difference arises in the way of passing parameters. Instead of being passed in the X and Y registers, they are placed in a parameter block, The address of this parameter block is sent to the routine in the X (for the low byte) and Y (for the high byte) registers.

Entry parameters

Register Value
A OSWORD routine ID
X Low byte of parameter block address
Y High byte of parameter block address

OSWORD Specification

Only OSWORD 0x00 returns a result in the Y register and the Carry flag. The registers are preserved for all other calls.

OSWORD calls with numbers 0x15…0x7F must only have a maximum of 16 bytes in the control block.

OSWORD calls with numbers greater than 0x7F must contain the number of parameters to send in the first byte of the control block and the number of parameters to receive in the second byte. Both of these must include the first two bytes so their values are in the range of 0x02…0x7f.

Note the first two values in the parameter block are required to instruct the Tube software how big the block is when the OSWord is issued from a coprocessor.

Due to a limitation in the host side of the Tube software these values cannot exceed 128 bytes in either direction.

OSWORD calls with numbers &E0 to &FF are "available for use by the user" and are passed directly to USERV (0x0200) on the 6502 I/O processor. This makes them easier to implement as only USERV needs to be hooked into instead of WORDV, and 0xF0/0xF1 is already prepared pointing at the control block.

All other unrecognised OSWORD calls are offered to the paged ROMs.

Although not enforced by the API, the convention for high-numbered OSWORD calls is for the control block contents to be:

XY+ On entry On exit Range
0 send block length, depends on subreason code preserved 0x02…0x7F
1 return block length, depends on subreason code preserved 0x02…0x7F
2 action set to zero
3 must be zero result
4… request data result data

1 - Read line from input

OSWord call Action Available on:
(dec) (hex)BBC Master Electron
0 00 Read line from inputx x x

This routine takes a specified number of characters from the currently selected input stream.

Input is terminated following a RETURN or an ESCAPE. DELETE (&7F/127) deletes the previous character and CTRL U (&15/21) deletes the entire line.

If characters are presented after the maximum line length has been reached the characters are ignored and a BEL (ASCII 7) character is output.

OSWORD 0x00 is the only OSWord which return's data in the registers.

Parameter block

XY+ Size Content
0 2 Buffer address for input
2 1 Maximum line length
3 1 Minimum acceptable ASCII value
4 1 Maximum acceptable ASCII value

Only characters greater or equal to XY+3 and less than or equal to XY+4 will be accepted. This is useful for forms where you want only digits by setting the minimum to '0' and maximum to '9'

On exit

C=0 Carriage return terminate input
C=1 ESCAPE condition terminated input
Y Contains line length, excluding carriage return if used.

2 - Read/Write system clock

OSWord call Action Available on:
(dec) (hex)BBC Master Electron
1 01 Read system clockx x x
2 02 Write system clockx x x

The clock is a five byte clock value is read or written to the address contained in the X and Y registers.

For example the TIME function in BASIC uses OSWORD 0x01.

This clock is incremented every hundredth of a second and is set to 0 by a hard BREAK.

3 - Interval timer

OSWord call Action Available on:
(dec) (hex)BBC Master Electron
3 03 Read interval timerx x x
4 04 Write interval timerx x x

This routine may be used to read/write the interval timer, used for events.

For read (OSWord 0x03) the current clock value will be writted to the 5 bytes pointed to by the XY registers.

For write (OSWord 0x04) the new clock value is contained in the 5 bytes pointed to by the XY registers.

4 - Read/Write I/O processor memory

OSWord call Action Available on:
(dec) (hex)BBC Master Electron
5 05 Read I/O processor memory x x x
6 06 Write I/O processor memory x x x

A byte of I/O processor memory may be read or written across the Tube using this call. A 32 bit address should be contained in memory at the address contained in the X and Y registers.

For writes (OSWord 0x06) the value to write should be placed in XY+4

For reads (OSWord 0x05) the value read is placed in XY+4 on exit.

Parameter block

XY+ Content Read call Write call
0 LSB of address in I/O processor
3 MSB of address in I/O processor
4 Byte read by OSWord 0x05 Byte to write with OSWord 0x06

If the I/O processor uses 16 bit memory addressing only least significant two bytes need to be specified.

5 - Sound command

OSWord call Action Available on:
(dec) (hex)BBC Master Electron
7 07 Sound commandx x x

This routine takes an 8 byte parameter block addressed by the X and Y registers. The 8 bytes of the parameter block may be considered as the four parameters used for the SOUND command in BASIC.

Parameter block

XY+ Length Content
0 2 Channel
2 2 Amplitude
4 2 Pitch
6 2 Duration

For example, to perform a

SOUND 1,-15,200,20
then the contents of the table would be:

Parameter block

XY+ Content Sound Param Value
0 Channel 1 0x01
1 0x00
2 Amplitude -15 0xF1
3 0xFF
4 Pitch 200 0xC8
5 0x00
6 Duration 20 0x14
7 0x00

6 - Define an Envelope

OSWord call Action Available on:
(dec) (hex)BBC Master Electron
8 08 Define an Envelopex x x

The ENVELOPE parameter block should contain 14 bytes of data which correspond to the 14 parameters described in the ENVELOPE command. This call should be entered with the parameter block address contained in the X and Y registers.

7 - Read pixel value

OSWord call Action Available on:
(dec) (hex)BBC Master Electron
9 09 Read pixel valuex x x

This routine returns the status of a screen pixel at a given pair of X and Y co-ordinates.

Parameter block

XY+ Content
0 LSB of X coordinate
1 MSB of X coordinate
2 LSB of Y coordinate
3 MSB of Y coordinate
4 Logical colour at that point

On exit, XY+4 contains the logical colour at the required point or &FF if the point specified was off the screen.

8 - Read character definition

OSWord call Action Available on:
(dec) (hex)BBC Master Electron
10 0A Read character definitionx x x

This call returns the 8 bytes which define the 8 by 8 matrix of each character.

The call requires a 9 byte parameter block pointed to by the X and Y registers.

The first byte contains the ASCII value of the character definition to be read.

After the call the 8 byte definition is contained in bytes 1 to 8 of the parameter block, with the top row in byte 1 and the bottom row in byte 8.

9 - Read/Write palette

OSWord call Action Available on:
(dec) (hex)BBC Master Electron
11 0B Read palettex x x
12 0C Write palettex x x

These routines read and write the colour palette. They take a 5 byte parameter block:

Parameter block

XY+ Content Read call Write call
0 Logical colour Logial colour
1 Physical colour Current mapping Required mapping
2 Reserved for future expansion Set to 0
3 Reserved for future expansion Set to 0
4 Reserved for future expansion Set to 0

Write Palette

The OSWORD 12 write palette call performs the same task as a VDU 19 command which can be used from machine code using OSWRCH.

The advantage of using this OSWORD call rather than the conventional VDU route is that there is a significant saving in time.

Another advantage is that OSWORD calls can be used in interrupt routines while VDU routines cannot.

10 - Read last two graphics cursor positions

OSWord call Action Available on:
(dec) (hex)BBC Master Electron
13 0D Read last two graphics cursor positionsx x x

The operating system keeps a record of the last two graphics cursor, positions in order to perform triangle filling if requested. These cursor positions may be read using this call. X and Y should provide the address of 8 bytes of memory into which the data may be written.

Parameter block

XY+ Content
0 LSB Previous X coordinate
1 MSB Previous X coordinate
2 LSB Previous Y coordinate
3 MSB Previous Y coordinate
4 LSB Current X coordinate
5 MSB Current X coordinate
6 LSB Current Y coordinate
7 MSB Current Y coordinate

11 - Read CMOS clock

OSWord call Action Available on:
(dec) (hex)BBC Master Electron
14 0E Read CMOS clock x

This routine reads from the onboard CMOS clock.

For systems without a CMOS clock, the MOS passes the calls to sideways ROM's for support.

The first byte of the parameter block is a function code representing the action required. The rest of the block's content (including its size) depends on that function.

Return clock value as string

On entry:


On exit:

XY+ Length Content Value range
0 24 Date CR-terminated string in form "Day,DD Mon Year.HH:MM:SS".

Return BCD clock value

On entry:


On exit:

XY+ Length Content Value range
0 1 year 0x00 0x99
1 1 month 0x01 0x12
0 1 day 0x01 0x31
0 1 day of week 0x01 Sun 0x07 Sat
0x80-0x99 represents 1980-1999. 0x00-0x79 represents 2000-2079.
day of week
0x00 = not returned

Convert BCD to string

On entry:


XY+1…7 the BCD value as returned above

On exit:

XY+1…25 CR terminated string

XY+ Length Content Value range
0 1 year 0x00 0x99

12 - Write CMOS clock

OSWord call Action Available on:
(dec) (hex)BBC Master Electron
15 0F Write CMOS clock x

This routine allows the onboard CMOS clock to be set. For systems without a CMOS clock, the MOS passes the calls to sideways ROM's for support.

The first byte of the parameter block is a function code representing the action required. The rest of the block's content (including its size) depends on that function.

Function Action Format of input
8 Set time "HH:MM:SS"
16 Set date "Day,DD Mon Year"
24 Set date and time "Day,DD Mon Year.HH:MM:SS"

13 - IP Networking and DNS Resolution

OSWord call Action Available on:
(dec) (hex)Other
192 C0 IP Networking and DNS ResolutionSPROW Ethernet for BBC Master

This call is supported on the Network API documentation for the SPROW Ethernet upgrade for the Master Series which I happen to have installed in my BBC Master 128.

This call is modelled on the Berkeley Sockets API.

Call format

The control block follows the convention for high-numbered OSWORD calls where the control block contains the request & response sizes, action and result codes as the first 4 bytes of the block.

XY+ On entry On exit Range
0 send block length, depends on subreason code preserved 0x02…0x7F
1 return block length, depends on subreason code preserved 0x02…0x7F
2 action set to zero
3 must be zero result
4… request data result data


To allow for many functions to be performed but without using up lots of OSWord numbers a one byte action code is included, allowing for up to 256 different pieces of functionality. The action codes are further split into groups of 64 each:

Action (range) Functionality
0x00…0x3FSocket operations
0x40…0x7FResolver operations
0x80…0xBFReserved for future use
0xC0…0xFFReserved for future use

Unused or reserved action codes will return an error number at XY+3.

13.1 - Socket operations

0x00 Socket Create

This function sets up a new socket and returns a handle for its future use. Only a limited number of sockets can be opened simultaneously.

XY+ Length On entry On exit
4 4 Communications domain, 2 for PF_INET socket number created or -1 on failure
8 4 Socket type:
12 4 Protocol or zero for default for the socket type

0x01 Socket Bind

Bind a socket to a specific local address.

XY+ Length On entry On exit
4 4 socket -1 if the bind fails
8 4 Pointer to socket address to bind to
12 4 Size of socket address, usually 16

Socket address

sa+ Length On entry On exit
0 1 Size of socket address, usually 16
1 1 Address family, 2 for AF_INET
2 2 Port number
4 4 IPv4 address
8 4 Zero
12 4 Zero

Note that the size of the socket address structure is used twice, once in the structure itself, and also as the third parameter at YX+12.

0x02 Socket Listen

Switch a socket into listening for incoming connection attempts. Only sockets opened and configured to tbe stream based sockets can be set to listen, datagram and raw sockets are connectionless and cannot be set to listen.

XY+ Length On entry On exit
4 4 socket -1 if the call fails
8 4 Backlog of unaccepted connections to allow before rejecting

0x03 Socket Accept

Switch a socket into listening for incoming connection attempts. Only sockets opened and configured to tbe stream based sockets can be set to listen, datagram and raw sockets are connectionless and cannot be set to listen.

XY+ Length On entry On exit
4 4 socket -1 if the bind fails
8 4 Pointer to socket address to bind to
12 4 pointer to an integer describing the size of socket address (usually 16)

Note: XY+12 in the original documentation mentions this is a pointer, but in other calls it's an actual value. This needs clarifying.

0x04 Socket Connect

Accept an incoming connection on an existing socket. If there are no pending incoming connections, this call will block until there is one. On accepting, the address details of the remote computer will be filled in at the block pointed to by YX+8.

XY+ Length On entry On exit
4 4 socket -1 if the connect fails
8 4 Pointer to socket address to bind to
12 4 size of socket address (usually 16)

0x05 Socket Receive

Read data from the given socket. This function attempts to read data or waits until some is ready.

It is possible that zero bytes are returned, probably indicating that the remote computer has disconnected.

XY+ Length On entry On exit
4 4 socket -1 on failure, otherwise number of bytes received
8 4 Pointer to data buffer to receive into
12 4 Buffer size
16 4 Flags, usually 0

0x08 Socket Send

Send out data on the given socket. For raw and datagram style sockets the message length must fit within one packet otherwise the request will be rejected, for stream style sockets as much as the message as possible will be queued and sent subject to available memory.

XY+ Length On entry On exit
4 4 socket -1 on failure, otherwise number of bytes sent
8 4 Pointer to data buffer to send
12 4 Buffer size
16 4 Flags, usually 0

0x0B Socket Shutdown

Shutdown part of a socket. This allows a socket to be partially shut where the TCP/IP stack supports this. Caution should be taken as this does not actually close the socket, so does not free up any of the resources associated with the socket - see details of Close for how to do this.

XY+ Length On entry On exit
4 4 socket -1 on failure
8 4 Direction to shut
0=receive side
1=transmit side
2=both sides
12 4 Buffer size
16 4 Flags, usually 0

0x10 Socket Close

Close a socket. As there are fixed number of sockets available it is important to remember to close sockets once any transactions are complete.

XY+ Length On entry On exit
4 4 socket -1 on failure

Unsupported actions

The following actions are defined but are not supported. Using them will return an error.

Action Description
0x06Socket Receive From
0x07Socket Receive Message
0x09Socket Send to
0x0ASocket Send Message
0x0CSocket Set Socket Option
0x0DSocket Get Socket Option
0x0ESocket Get Peer Name
0x0FSocket Get Socket Name
0x11Socket Select
0x12Socket Ioctl
0x13Socket Read
0x14Socket Write
0x15Socket Stat
0x16Socket Readv
0x17Socket Writev

13.2 - Resolver operations

0x40 Resolver Get Host By Name

Resolves a host name to a network address.

A control terminated name will be passed to the DNS resolver software built into the network module. This call will then wait for a result, and only return when a match is found or timeout occurs.

The returned block at YX+8 onwards is a 'hostent' structure containing a list of IP addresses amongst other information, the lists will remain valid until the next resolver request.

XY+ Length On entry On exit
4 4 Pointer to name looked up
8 4 Pointer to null terminated list of pointers to aliases
12 4 IP address type returned, 2 for AF_INET
16 4 Length of this address type, 4 for IPv4
20 4 Pointer to null terminated list of pointers to IP address(es)

0x41 Resolver Get Host

Resolves a host name to a network address.

This is very similar to GetHostByName except that it returns immediately. If the name is already in the DNS cache the result will be filled in and YX+3 is zero, otherwise a request is issued and a 'resolver busy' error returned.

Further calls to GetHost will update YX+3 until either a timeout occurs or the name is found. This allows the request to be sent and the foreground program continue operating, compare this with GetHostByName which blocks until the name has been found.

XY+ Length On entry On exit
4 4 Pointer to name looked up
8 4 Pointer to null terminated list of pointers to aliases
12 4 IP address type returned, 2 for AF_INET
16 4 Length of this address type, 4 for IPv4
20 4 Pointer to null terminated list of pointers to IP address(es)

Unsupported actions

The following actions are defined but do nothing. They do not return an error.

Action Description
0x42Resolver Get Cache
0x43Resolver Cache Control

13.3 - Library functions

The following listing provides BASIC functions with the same names and parameters as the corresponding function in most libraries for the 'C' programming language as a convenience for use.

This is taken verbatim from the original documentation:

 1REM Network functions
 2REM (C)2010 SPROW
 5wordblk?0=8:REM Parameters in
 6wordblk?1=24:REM Parameters out
 7wordblk?2=&41:REM Resolver_GetHost
 8wordblk?3=0:REM No error on entry
11A%=192:X%=wordblk:Y%=wordblk DIV256:CALL&FFF1
12IFwordblk?3<>0 THEN=0
13=wordblk+4:REM Address not value
16wordblk?0=16:REM Parameters in
17wordblk?1=8:REM Parameters out
18wordblk?2=&00:REM Socket_Creat
19wordblk?3=0:REM No error on entry
23A%=192:X%=wordblk:Y%=wordblk DIV256:CALL&FFF1
24IFwordblk?3<>0 THEN=-1
28wordblk?0=16:REM Parameters in
29wordblk?1=8:REM Parameters out
30wordblk?2=&01:REM Socket_Bind
31wordblk?3=0:REM No error on entry
35A%=192:X%=wordblk:Y%=wordblk DIV256:CALL&FFF1
36IFwordblk?3<>0 THEN=-1
40wordblk?0=12:REM Parameters in
41wordblk?1=8:REM Parameters out
42wordblk?2=&02:REM Socket_Listen
43wordblk?3=0:REM No error on entry
46A%=192:X%=wordblk:Y%=wordblk DIV256:CALL&FFF1
47IFwordblk?3<>0 THEN=-1
 50DEFFNaccept(handle%,addr%,addrlenblk%)Network programmer's API
 51wordblk?0=16:REM Parameters in
 52wordblk?1=8:REM Parameters out
 53wordblk?2=&03:REM Socket_Accept
 54wordblk?3=0:REM No error on entry
 58A%=192:X%=wordblk:Y%=wordblk DIV256:CALL&FFF1
 59IFwordblk?3<>0 THEN=-1
 63wordblk?0=16:REM Parameters in
 64wordblk?1=8:REM Parameters out
 65wordblk?2=&04:REM Socket_Connect
 66wordblk?3=0:REM No error on entry
 70A%=192:X%=wordblk:Y%=wordblk DIV256:CALL&FFF1
 71IFwordblk?3<>0 THEN=-1
 75wordblk?0=20:REM Parameters in
 76wordblk?1=8:REM Parameters out
 77wordblk?2=&05:REM Socket_Recv
 78wordblk?3=0:REM No error on entry
 83A%=192:X%=wordblk:Y%=wordblk DIV256:CALL&FFF1
 84IFwordblk?3<>0 THEN=-1
 88wordblk?0=20:REM Parameters in
 89wordblk?1=8:REM Parameters out
 90wordblk?2=&08:REM Socket_Send
 91wordblk?3=0:REM No error on entry
 96A%=192:X%=wordblk:Y%=wordblk DIV256:CALL&FFF1
 97IFwordblk?3<>0 THEN=-1
101wordblk?0=12:REM Parameters in
102wordblk?1=4:REM Parameters out
103wordblk?2=&0B:REM Socket_Shutdown
104wordblk?3=0:REM No error on entry
105wordblk!4=handle%Network programmer's API
107A%=192:X%=wordblk:Y%=wordblk DIV256:CALL&FFF1
111wordblk?0=8:REM Parameters in
112wordblk?1=4:REM Parameters out
113wordblk?2=&10:REM Socket_Close
114wordblk?3=0:REM No error on entry
116A%=192:X%=wordblk:Y%=wordblk DIV256:CALL&FFF1