Read byte from a file, check for soft-EOF
Function AddressDescription
DOS_READ_BYTE 0118Read byte from a file, check for soft-EOF


Read a byte from a file, advancing the file pointer in the process. It tests for a soft EOF (0x1A) but it is possible to read past this. Reading to the hard EOF will return an error.

Entry Parameters

Register Content
B File number 0…15

Exit Parameters

If OK - not soft-EOF (0x1A)
Carry true
Zero false
A corrupt
C Byte read
If OK - soft-EOF (0x1A)
Carry true
Zero true
A corrupt
C Byte read
Carry false
A = Error code
C corrupt
BC DE HL IX corrupt, all other registers preserved.
Last modified November 24, 2021: Start of +3DOS documentation (253d8cc)