Ask what type of drive
Function AddressDescription
DD_EQUIPMENT 0181Ask what type of drive


Ask what type of drive this is (i.e. single/double track, single/double sided).

Track information can only be determined once a disk has been seen and had its type identified during logging in.

Side information can only be detected after a double sided disk has been seen and has its type identified during logging in.

Entry Parameters

Register Content
C Unit 0 or 1
IX Address of XDPB

Exit Parameters

Carry true
A = Side/track information
bits 0…1 side information: 0 = unknown, 1 = single sided, 2 = double sided
bits 2…3 track information: 0 = unknown, 1 = single track, 2 = double track
F BC DE HL IX corrupt, all other registers preserved.
Last modified November 24, 2021: Low level operations (11836cf)