0200 | 2 | USERV | User Vector |
0202 | 2 | BRKV | BRK Vector |
0204 | 2 | IRQ1V | Interrupt request Vector 1 |
0206 | 2 | IRQ2V | Interrupt request Vector 2 |
0208 | 2 | CLIV | OSCLI Vector |
020A | 2 | BYTEV | OSBYTE Vector |
020C | 2 | WORDV | OSWORD Vector |
020E | 2 | WRCHV | OSWRCH Vector |
0210 | 2 | RDCHV | OSRDCH Vector |
0212 | 2 | FILEV | OSFILE Vector |
0214 | 2 | ARGSV | OSARGS Vector |
0216 | 2 | BGETV | OSBGET Vector |
0218 | 2 | BPUTV | OSBPUT Vector |
021A | 2 | GBPBV | OSGBPB Vector |
021C | 2 | FINDV | OSFIND Vector |
021E | 2 | FSCV | File system control entry vector |
0220 | 2 | EVNTV | Event interrupt vector |
0222 | 2 | UPTV | User print routine vector |
0224 | 2 | NETV | Used by ECONET to take control of computer |
0226 | 2 | VDUV | Unrecognised VDU23 & PLOT commands |
0228 | 2 | KEYV | Full keyboard access |
022A | 2 | INSV | Insert into buffer vector |
022C | 2 | REMV | Remove from buffer vector |
022E | 2 | CNPV | Count/purge buffer vector |
0230 | 2 | IND1V | Spare Vector |
0232 | 2 | IND2V | Spare Vector |
0234 | 2 | IND3V | Spare Vector |
0236 | 2 | | Start address of OS variables |
0238 | 2 | | Address of ROM pointer table |
023A | 2 | | Address of ROM information table |
023C | 2 | | Address of key translation table |
023E | 2 | | Start address of VDU variables |
0240 | 1 | | CFS timeout counter |
0241 | 1 | | Input source |
0242 | 1 | | Keyboard semaphore |
0243 | 1 | | Primary OSHWM |
0244 | 1 | | Current OSHWM |
0245 | 1 | | RS423 mode |
0246 | 1 | | Character definition explosion state |
0247 | 1 | | Cassette/ROM filing system switch |
0248 | 1 | | RAM copy of ULA control reg |
0249 | 1 | | RAM copy of ULA palette reg |
024A | 1 | | ROM number active at last BRK |
024B | 1 | | ROM number containing BASIC |
024C | 1 | | Current ADC channel |
024D | 1 | | Max ADC channel |
024E | 1 | | ADC conversion type |
024F | 1 | | RS423 user flag |
0250 | 1 | | RS423 control flag |
0251 | 1 | | Flashing colours counter |
0252 | 1 | | Mark period counter |
0253 | 1 | | Space period counter |
0254 | 1 | | Keyboard auto-repeat delay |
0255 | 1 | | Keyboard auto-repeat period |
0256 | 1 | | *EXEC file handle |
0257 | 1 | | *SPOOL file handle |
0258 | 1 | | ESCAPE/BREAK effect |
0259 | 1 | | ECONET keyboard disable |
025A | 1 | | Keyboard status |
025B | 1 | | RS423 handshake extent |
025C | 1 | | RS423 input supression flag |
025D | 1 | | RS423/cassette selection flag |
025E | 1 | | Econet OS call interception status |
025F | 1 | | Econet OSRDCH interception status |
0260 | 1 | | Econet OSWRCH interception status |
0261 | 1 | | Speech suppression status |
0262 | 1 | | Sount suppression status |
0263 | 1 | | BELL channel |
0264 | 1 | | BELL envelope number/volume |
0265 | 1 | | BELL frequency |
0266 | 1 | | BELL duration |
0267 | 1 | | Startup message & !BOOT options |
0268 | 1 | | Length of soft key string |
0269 | 1 | | No of lines printed since last page |
026A | 1 | | No of items in VDU queue |
026B | 1 | | TAB character value |
026C | 1 | | ESCAPE character value |
026D | 1 | | Character 0xC0 to 0xCF status |
026E | 1 | | Character 0xD0 to 0xDF status |
026F | 1 | | Character 0xE0 to 0xEF status |
0270 | 1 | | Character 0xF0 to 0xFF status |
0271 | 1 | | Function key status |
0272 | 1 | | SHIFT+Function key status |
0273 | 1 | | CTRL+Function key status |
0274 | 1 | | CTRL+SHIFT+Function key status |
0275 | 1 | | ESCAPE key status |
0276 | 1 | | ESCAPE key effect |
0277 | 1 | | IRQ bit mask for user 6522 |
0278 | 1 | | IRQ bit mask for 6850 |
0279 | 1 | | IRQ bit mask for system 6522 |
027A | 1 | | Tube presence flag |
027B | 1 | | Speech processor presence flag |
027C | 1 | | Write character destination status |
027D | 1 | | Cursor editing status |
027E | 3 | | Unused |
0281 | 1 | | Used by *FX1 |
0282 | 1 | | RAM copy of serial processor ULA |
0283 | 1 | | Timer switch state |
0284 | 1 | | Soft key consistancy flag |
0285 | 1 | | Printer destination flag |
0286 | 1 | | Character ignored by printer |
0287 | 3 | | BREAK intercept code |
028A | 2 | | Unused |
028C | 1 | | Current language ROM number |
028D | 1 | | Last BREAK type |
028E | 1 | | Available RAM |
028F | 1 | | Start up option flag |
0290 | 1 | | VDU vertical adjust, set by *TV |
0291 | 1 | | Interlace toggle flag, set by *TV |
0292 | 5 | | First copy of system clock values |
0297 | 5 | | Second copy of system clock values |
029C | 5 | | Countdown interval timer value |
02A1 | 16 | | Paged ROM type table |
02B1 | 2 | | INKEY countdown timer |
02B3 | 3 | | OSWORD 0x01 workspace |
02B6 | 4 | | Low bytes of most recent analogue converter values |
02BA | 4 | | High bytes of most recent analogue converter values |
02BE | 1 | | Analogue system flag |
02BF | 10 | | Event enable flags |
02C9 | 1 | | Soft key expansion pointer |
02CA | 1 | | First auto repeat count |
02CB | 3 | | Two key rollover processing workspace |
02CE | 1 | | Sound semaphore |
02CF | 9 | | Buffer busy flags |
02D8 | 9 | | Buffer start indices |
02E1 | 9 | | Buffer end indices |
02EA | 2 | | Block size of current resident block of open cassette input file |
02EC | 1 | | Block flag of current resident block of open cassette input file |
02ED | 1 | | Last character in currently resident block of open cassette input file |
02EE | 18 | | Used as area to build OSFILE control blocks for *LOAD & *SAVE |