Tag: z80 instruction
CPL Invert Accumulator
NEG Negate Accumulator (two's compliment)
HALT the cpu
ADC 8 bit add with Carry
Addition with carry
DEC 8-bit Decrement
INC 8-bit Increment
Increment 8-bit register by 1
ADD without carry
Addition without carry
Block Copy
Copy block of memory
Dual Shift Operations
Undocumented instructions that perform two actions at the same time
IN A, (n)
Read from port and store in A
IN r,(C)
Read from port in C and store in a specific register
LD IX undocumented instructions
Undocumented instructions for LD IX
IX and IY registers
Undocumented instructions for IX and IY registers
LD IY undocumented instructions
Undocumented instructions for LD IY
Jump absolute
Load registers, data & memory
ADD r without carry
Addition of a register without carry
RL Rotate bits left with Carry
Rotate bits left with carry
RLC Rotate bits left with Carry
Rotate bits left with carry
RR Rotate bits right with Carry
Rotate bits right with carry
RRC Rotate bits right with Carry
Rotate bits left with carry
SLL Shift Left Logical
Undocumented instruction to perform a logical left shift
ADC Add with Carry
Addition with carry
ADC 16 bit add with Carry
Addition with carry
DEC 16-bit Decrement
Decrement 16-bit register pair
INC 16-bit Increment
Increment 16-bit register pair by 1
Undocumented Math instructions with the IX register
Undocumented math instructions for IX register
Undocumented Math instructions with the IY register
Undocumented math instructions for IY register
Jump Relative
ADD n without carry
Addition of a number without carry
OUT (C), r
Write r to a port
OUT (n), A
Write A to a port
SUB Subtract without Carry
Subtraction without Carry
SBC Subtract with Carry
Subtraction with Carry
ADD (dd) without carry
Addition of memory without carry
Call subroutine
CCF Compliment Carry Flag
Invert Carry Flag
Block read from port
Block write to port
Program Flow
Jump, Call and Return
SCF Set Carry Flag
Set Carry Flag
Binary AND
ADD ss to HL without carry
Addition without carry
Return from Subroutine
Push Pull onto the stack
Binary OR
Binary Exclusive OR
Invoke a Reset
INC Increment
Increment by 1
Return from Interrupt
Rotate and Shift
Rotate Shift instructions
SLA Shift bits left with Carry
Shift bits left with carry
SRA Rotate bits right with Carry
Rotate bits right with carry, bit 7 remains unchanged
SRL Rotate bits right with Carry
Rotate bits right with carry, bit 7 is reset
DEC Decrement
Bit Manipulation
Bit Manipulation instructions
Exchange registers
DI EI Interrupt enable
Enable/Disable interrupts
Block Search of memory
Search block of memory
IM Interrupt Mode
Select interrupt mode
Adjust accumulator for BCD addition and subtraction operations
Rotate bit pairs in A and (HL) left
Rotate bit pairs in A and (HL) right
Test if a specific bit is set
Test bit in (IX+d)
Undocumented BIT n,(IX+d)
LD dd, nn
Load 16-bit number
LD s, (nn)
Load register from memory
LD SP, s
Set Stack Pointer from register
Reset a specific bit
RES Reset bit in (IX+d) and copy into register r
Undocumented Reset bit in (IX+d) and copy into register r
RES Reset bit in (IY+d) and copy into register r
Undocumented Reset bit in (IY+d) and copy into register r
RL Rotate bits left with Carry and store in register
Undocumented Rotate bits left with carry and store in register
RLC Rotate bits left with Carry and store in register
Undocumented Rotate bits left with carry and store in register
RR Rotate bits right with Carry and store in register
Undocumented Rotate bits right with carry and store in register
RRC Rotate bits right with Carry and store in register
Undocumented Rotate bits right with carry and store in register
Set a specific bit
SET bit in (IX+d) and copy into register r
Undocumented SET bit in (IX+d) and copy into register r
SET bit in (IY+d) and copy into register r
Undocumented SET bit in (IY+d) and copy into register r
SLA Shift bits left with Carry and store in register
Undocumented Shift bits left with carry and store in register
SLL Shift left Logical and store in register
Undocumented Shift left logical and store in register
SRA Rotate bits right with Carry and store in register
Undocumented Rotate bits right with carry and store in register
SRL Rotate bits right with Carry and store in register
Undocumented Rotate bits right with carry and store in register