Socket operations

0x00 Socket Create

This function sets up a new socket and returns a handle for its future use. Only a limited number of sockets can be opened simultaneously.

XY+ Length On entry On exit
4 4 Communications domain, 2 for PF_INET socket number created or -1 on failure
8 4 Socket type:
12 4 Protocol or zero for default for the socket type

0x01 Socket Bind

Bind a socket to a specific local address.

XY+ Length On entry On exit
4 4 socket -1 if the bind fails
8 4 Pointer to socket address to bind to
12 4 Size of socket address, usually 16

Socket address

sa+ Length On entry On exit
0 1 Size of socket address, usually 16
1 1 Address family, 2 for AF_INET
2 2 Port number
4 4 IPv4 address
8 4 Zero
12 4 Zero

Note that the size of the socket address structure is used twice, once in the structure itself, and also as the third parameter at YX+12.

0x02 Socket Listen

Switch a socket into listening for incoming connection attempts. Only sockets opened and configured to tbe stream based sockets can be set to listen, datagram and raw sockets are connectionless and cannot be set to listen.

XY+ Length On entry On exit
4 4 socket -1 if the call fails
8 4 Backlog of unaccepted connections to allow before rejecting

0x03 Socket Accept

Switch a socket into listening for incoming connection attempts. Only sockets opened and configured to tbe stream based sockets can be set to listen, datagram and raw sockets are connectionless and cannot be set to listen.

XY+ Length On entry On exit
4 4 socket -1 if the bind fails
8 4 Pointer to socket address to bind to
12 4 pointer to an integer describing the size of socket address (usually 16)

Note: XY+12 in the original documentation mentions this is a pointer, but in other calls it's an actual value. This needs clarifying.

0x04 Socket Connect

Accept an incoming connection on an existing socket. If there are no pending incoming connections, this call will block until there is one. On accepting, the address details of the remote computer will be filled in at the block pointed to by YX+8.

XY+ Length On entry On exit
4 4 socket -1 if the connect fails
8 4 Pointer to socket address to bind to
12 4 size of socket address (usually 16)

0x05 Socket Receive

Read data from the given socket. This function attempts to read data or waits until some is ready.

It is possible that zero bytes are returned, probably indicating that the remote computer has disconnected.

XY+ Length On entry On exit
4 4 socket -1 on failure, otherwise number of bytes received
8 4 Pointer to data buffer to receive into
12 4 Buffer size
16 4 Flags, usually 0

0x08 Socket Send

Send out data on the given socket. For raw and datagram style sockets the message length must fit within one packet otherwise the request will be rejected, for stream style sockets as much as the message as possible will be queued and sent subject to available memory.

XY+ Length On entry On exit
4 4 socket -1 on failure, otherwise number of bytes sent
8 4 Pointer to data buffer to send
12 4 Buffer size
16 4 Flags, usually 0

0x0B Socket Shutdown

Shutdown part of a socket. This allows a socket to be partially shut where the TCP/IP stack supports this. Caution should be taken as this does not actually close the socket, so does not free up any of the resources associated with the socket - see details of Close for how to do this.

XY+ Length On entry On exit
4 4 socket -1 on failure
8 4 Direction to shut
0=receive side
1=transmit side
2=both sides
12 4 Buffer size
16 4 Flags, usually 0

0x10 Socket Close

Close a socket. As there are fixed number of sockets available it is important to remember to close sockets once any transactions are complete.

XY+ Length On entry On exit
4 4 socket -1 on failure

Unsupported actions

The following actions are defined but are not supported. Using them will return an error.

Action Description
0x06Socket Receive From
0x07Socket Receive Message
0x09Socket Send to
0x0ASocket Send Message
0x0CSocket Set Socket Option
0x0DSocket Get Socket Option
0x0ESocket Get Peer Name
0x0FSocket Get Socket Name
0x11Socket Select
0x12Socket Ioctl
0x13Socket Read
0x14Socket Write
0x15Socket Stat
0x16Socket Readv
0x17Socket Writev